Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness Music and Movements
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. 3 John 1:2 ESV
Title of song: Going Back
- Are you having
feelings of depression, confusion, and doubts about the out-of-control
conditions of the world?
- Want to learn how to
obtain wellness of body, mind, soul, spirit, and finances?
- Do you want to gain
emotional wellness in overcoming the stressors of life?
- How do we become
ready, awake, and prepared for what is coming upon the earth by the hand of the
Heavenly Father Almighty Yahweh Most High Supreme King and Creator of the
Through meditation, prayer, humming, breath work, sound bowls, and various sounds of music, we re-connect to the Heavenly Father Almighty Yahweh Most High Supreme King and Creator of the universes through the Holy Spirit seeking mindfulness, healing, deliverance, and wellness.
Emotional Wellness Music
Emotional Wellness Movements
Spiritual Dancing Fitness
Beyond 50 Wellness
Days of Noah Preparation Journey
Watchman on the Wall!
Doers of the WORD Bible Study and Fellowship
Remnant of YAHWEH
Contact: Virginia G. Pierce-Kelly
(678) 805-9062